For Parents

Get Involved

Research shows that when parents are actively involved with their children's education, students' grades are higher, their self-esteem is greater, and they are more socially adjusted. In fact, the most accurate indicator of a student's academic success in school is not tied to family income or social status, but the extent to which a family:

  • Creates a home environment that encourages learning.
  • Sets high but realistic achievement and career expectations.
  • Becomes involved in their child's education and in the community

Classroom Observations: 

We welcome your presence at school. If you are interested in visiting your student's classrooms for an observation, here are some tips for making it a successful experience

  • Plan ahead - schedule your visit and discuss with the teacher your purpose for observing. All teachers can be accessed via email or through telephone conferences
  • Inform your child so they are comfortable seeing you on campus
  • Upon arriving to school, please sign in as a visitor and inform the office staff, giving us the name of the teacher you are visiting. We will help directing you to the classroom.
  • Upon arriving to the classroom, please be a "silent observer". The teacher will acknowledge and welcome you, offering a seat in a corner of the classroom. Please refrain from engaging the teacher in conversation or interacting with students, including your child. This will allow you to have an authentic opportunity to observe your student at their best, and will promote an environment free of distractions to the class during your visit.
  • Most parent visits last from ten to twenty minutes in order to create a good "snapshot" of the classroom learning environment. If you plan on staying in the classroom longer than twenty minutes, please be sure to inform the teacher and the office staff prior to the visit.
  • If after your classroom observation you are interested in debriefing your visit or have questions or concerns, please request a follow up conference with the teacher on your way out, upon checking out of the school.
  • If you have concerns about any of your child's classes, your first and best resource is always contacting the classroom teacher directly via email or requesting to schedule an appointment for a conference.

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